Thursday, July 30, 2009

Understanding Is Needed

Today I want to write about Dementia. If we look in the dictionary we find out that
Dementia is a set of signs and symptoms in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language and problem solving.

As you see Dementia is quiet serious disease, understanding dementia is very important for us and especially for families where live persons with this disease. There is one interesting site where you can find all info about it, it is called Dementia Guide - an online tool for caregivers and persons with dementia to help recognize, understand, record, monitor and track symptoms of dementia, Symptom Guide provides an easy to use method to identify and track symptoms overtime. You can print your profile and use its information for discussion with health care professionals and family members.

For understanding the problem, it will be useful if we learn dementia symptoms and dementia treatment , I think this is the way for understanding the people who suffers with dementia. They need our understanding and our help!

1 comment:

clic said...

I've just checked your holidays, great places!... :)